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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Gold Sunflower Brooch

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Gold Sunflower Brooch
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This 18 Karat gold finish brooch commemorates Ruth Bader Ginsburg, female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and advocate for economic, social, political and education gender equality between men and women. Justice Ginsburg was affectionately given the nickname Notorious RBG. Her pop icon status was well known in the United States and in the small town of Burshtyn in Ivano-Frankivsk, formerly Stanyslaviv, rich in Ginsburg's Jewish, Russian, Polish, Austro-Hungarian cultural history.

The sunflower has always had a special place in the hearts of Ginsburg's ancestors as the national flower of Ukraine. The sunflower signifies peace radiating from the sun itself. June 1996, US, Russian and Ukrainian defense ministers planted sunflowers at Ukraine's Pervomaysk missile base in a ceremony to mark Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons in hope of peace and building a prosperous friendship.

Like a sunflower, for peace and prosperity to fully thrive Ruth Bader Ginsburg believed in the human rights asserted by the people in her ancestral Ukraine, the United States and the rest of the world should be honored by all Nation states.

Justice Ginsburg posted the biblical command, "Justice shall thy pursue" to remind her what good justices must do so, "that they may thrive."

Washington DC Gift Shop is proud of offer this special brooch designed with brilliant yellow sculpted petals that appear as gold rays surrounding a sparkling crystal disk floret setting. Our attention to detail ensures that each and every vibrant shining sunflower will always be made of the highest quality.

The sunflower brooch features an easy-open pin, making it easy to wear them on your dress, shirt, t-shirt, sweater, or attach it to your backpack for personalized decoration.

A portion of the proceeds of the Sunflower Brooch provide support services to families whose lives are shattered by conflict in countries like Ukraine. Discounts on bulk purchases.

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